GUIDENT – A Journal for Dental Professionals.From Local to Global – Redefining the Dental PracticeFamiliarizing you with the latest market trends and advances in the dental industry, Guident is your one stop virtual platform and journal mobilizing the local – Local and global – world of dental healthcare. Committed to deliver the most essential and significant information, updates, developments, discoveries and learning etc. occurring across the world dental forum, Guident is a globally acclaimed online journal and equipped with highly authentic and futuristic knowledge of how dental practitioners can polish their skills further to deliver internationally recognized services.Despite the advances in healthcare segments, the Indian population continues to be affected by numerous oral diseases. These dental problems have encouraged people to search and opt for professional dental healthcare services including Endodontic, Prosthodontics, Orthodontic, Periodontics, Implantology, Pedodontics, and Cosmetic dental services etc. Young professionals and experienced dentists skilled in these and many more advanced dentistry services need to constantly keep themselves updated in order to deliver the best treatment to the seekers of such facilities.The dental care system will evolve more in the coming decade than it has in the past 50 years; given the demand for expert and effortless treatment and cure to even the most advanced oral problems. Failure to evolve and change with this transition will likely spell stagnation for your dental practice.GUIDENT Indexed by globally known hosts like ProQuest, EBSCO Host and Ulrichsweb Global Series Directory, the journal has been reviewed by numerous professional dentists practicing across the world. This rich storehouse of dental data is easy to access and can be referred to any minute, even when you are mobile. Serving as your ready reckoner, Guident aims to bring the global dental information at your fingertip to add an ultra-modern touch to your dental practice so that you can help your patients smile forever.